Corporación Manos Visibles, the largest network of visible leadership in Colombia and CAF – Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean, have signed an alliance to promote inclusion and ethnic-racial equity in the labor market and connect Afro and indigenous talent from Colombia, Panama, and Brazil with companies in the region.
Paula Moreno, President of Manos Visibles assures that “In Manos Visibles we have dedicated more than 13 years to create ecosystems that promote local transformation and ethnic-racial diversity. In this new decade, together with CAF – Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean, we are committed to a transnational proposal that will take our work to the next level, to promote ethnic-racial inclusion and equity in the labor market, connecting Afro-Latino and indigenous talent.”
The alliance primarily focuses on empowering and developing Afro-Latino and indigenous leaders through management training. It aims to increase corporate awareness on racial equity, establish a comprehensive internship program within companies, and launch AfroInnova Talento—a platform that fosters community innovation and connects Afro-Latino leaders. Additionally, it strives to enhance the involvement of ethnic communities, especially women, in the technology sector.
According to Cristián Asinelli, Corporate Vice President of Strategic Programming at CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean – “From the Visible Talent strategy we promote economic growth, sustainable development, and regional integration with a workforce that will bring these transformations to life that the country and Latin America need from different sectors to reduce educational, cultural, and technological inequalities.”
The alliance includes several components, such as the Talento Visible School of Senior Management, the Network of Organizations and Companies trained in racial equity, which will also implement a program with 20 internships from Visible Talent, which includes adaptation, training, technical support, and mentoring that will strengthen the professional and personal skills of the participants.
“From this initiative we encourage Afro and indigenous talent in the region to change imaginaries, create new futures and propose agendas that transform. An alliance for the revolution of organizations and the private sector, for labor mobility and the raising of awareness among companies on issues of racial equity,” added Asinelli.
This initiative, which is a pioneer in Colombia, combines technology and access to formal employment, two areas with some of the largest gaps for ethnic communities, and uses them to enhance the development and employability of this talent. This innovative collaboration is expected to set a significant precedent in promoting inclusion and equity in the workplace for Afro-Latino and indigenous talent, creating a positive and sustainable impact on their professional and social growth opportunities.