Transformamos la realidad del Pacífico colombiano y su diáspora, generando ecosistemas de innovación y tecnología para las comunidades étnicas del país
Cambiamos la realidad del Pacífico y la diáspora afrodescendiente e indígena en los grandes centros urbanos del país, por una regiones que se conviertan en un valle de innovación y desarrollo tecnológico.
What we do
Valle del Naidí is Manos Visibles' strategy to foster technological equity in the Colombian Pacific through innovative leadership
How we do it
What we do
Valle del Naidí is Manos Visibles' strategy to foster technological equity in the Colombian Pacific through innovative leadership
How we do it
Valle del Naidí Fund
From Tumaco, Buenaventura, and Timbiquí this new generation studies in some of the best universities in the country
12 leaders are preparing for the technological transformation of the Pacific by studying engineering careers at the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
Valle del Naidí Fund
From Tumaco, Buenaventura, and Timbiquí this new generation studies in some of the best universities in the country
Valle del Naidí
A program for robotics, home automation and programming training in the South Pacific of Colombia. We train new generations of leaders in technology that the country needs
We are creating an ecosystem in which technology is a pathway and not a gap
Valle del Naidí
A program for robotics, home automation and programming training in the South Pacific of Colombia. We train new generations of leaders in technology that the country needs
Naidí Girls
The first STEAM skills training program for Afro-descendant girls and young women in Medellín
We're pushing the boundaries and creating new centers
Naidí Girls
The first STEAM skills training program for Afro-descendant girls and young women in Medellín
Naidí Women
Afro-descendant and indigenous women from the city of Medellín begin their professional training in web development at Nodo, the technology center at Universidad EAFIT
Naidí Women
Afro-descendant and indigenous women from the city of Medellín begin their professional training in web development at Nodo, the technology center at Universidad EAFIT
Naidí Labs
We bolster the region's technological infrastructure
Development and innovation labs in schools and community organizations across the territory
Naidí Labs
We bolster the region's technological infrastructure
Visible Stories
Samara Becerra
She is a 16-year-old Naidí girl from Medellín who is committed to social transformation, especially in black communities leveraging the power of technology.
Dulce Valencia
She is an 11-year-old Naidí girl who lives in the city of Medellín and dreams of transforming her territory through science and innovation.
Jeferson Delgado y Jaider Delgado
Two young people from Timbiquí, Cauca who are working to solve region-specific issues with robotics and home automation. They created a device to measure soil pH and secured second place in the RoboJam Competition in Mexico.
Visible Stories
Samara Becerra
She is a 16-year-old Naidí girl from Medellín who is committed to social transformation, especially in black communities leveraging the power of technology.
Dulce Valencia
She is an 11-year-old Naidí girl who lives in the city of Medellín and dreams of transforming her territory through science and innovation.
Jeferson Delgado y Jaider Delgado
Two young people from Timbiquí, Cauca who are working to solve region-specific issues with robotics and home automation. They created a device to measure soil pH and secured second place in the RoboJam Competition in Mexico.
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